
Blog Management

Scaling Enterprise Customer Success & Expanding Customers

There is a market landscape, your customer needs, and how both evolve. Strategy-building is about laying out these on a map and getting to the details of where things stand and how they move. Learning on Customer retention cheat sheet and challenges with LogiNext & Amagi.

SaaSBoomi Editorial Team
Blog Operations

Program managing the brilliant minds of SaaS

As a SaaSBoomi Fellow, and on my own parallel journey of building, I’ve been getting a peek into how founders shoulder massive responsibilities, think and execute in their daily life.

Nivedha Venkatesh
Blog Initiatives

The aura of vulnerability that sets SaaSBoomi apart: an insider’s take

SaaSBoomi taught me four years ago that in an extreme solo sport like entrepreneurship, you can grow together, helping each other.

Matthew John
Blog Initiatives

SaasBoomi 2024 Chennai – What I learnt and discovered

Here’s what I learnt and discovered at the SaasBoomi Annual 24 event in Chennai, India.

Karthik Chidambaram
Blog Initiatives

Snapshots of the Annual ’24

We’ve just wrapped the Annual ’24 and here’s ‘on-paper’ version of my notes from all the sessions that unfolded during the 2-day annual SaaS conference.

Millusha Fernandes
Blog Initiatives

Igniting our AI future – Meet the Winners of SaaSBoomi Awards 2023

Announcing the SaaSBoomi Awards 2023 who have emblazoned glorious paths of success and recognition and now join a pantheon of past winners who have emerged as global leaders.

Sumanth Raghavendra
Blog Initiatives

How to make the most of the Annual ‘24 

You’ve likely caught drift of the buzz surrounding SaaSBoomi Annual ‘24. This is our biggest, most ambitious SaaS conference yet. And we’ve been keeping things under wraps for a while. Here are the details

Millusha Fernandes
Blog Chapters - Chennai

SaaSBoomi Annual ’23: A Ground Zero Report

As with everything, SaaSBoomi Annual 2023 preparations started for me around the end of November, with a call from Avinash asking if I’d like to volunteer to steer the logistics of the conference. None of us, including Avi, had the slightest sense that it was going to be a giant conference. From 350-odd participants in […]

Ashwin Ramasamy
Blog Events

Breaking the 1000 barrier in attendees, SaaSBoomi Annual ’23 scores high in NPS too

As the dust settles and the echoes of the event fade away, it’s time to reflect on the Annual ‘23. This article aims to encapsulate the event’s key highlights, from the planning stages to the execution, showcasing the challenges, and the overall impact of this occasion. We had a total of 1,143 delegates that attended […]

Amrutha Jalihal