Speakers at Annual ’23
As the dust settles and the echoes of the event fade away, it’s time to reflect on the Annual ‘23. This article aims to encapsulate the event’s key highlights, from the planning stages to the execution, showcasing the challenges, and the overall impact of this occasion. We had a total of 1,143 delegates that attended […]
As with everything, SaaSBoomi Annual 2023 preparations started for me around the end of November, with a call from Avinash asking if I’d like to volunteer to steer the logistics of the conference. None of us, including Avi, had the slightest sense that it was going to be a giant conference. From 350-odd participants in […]
SaaSBoomi’s biggest event since its inception had 1143 attendees (final count); dozens of speakers for keynotes and panels; 150 plus investor-startup meetings; workshops; parties (and after-parties of course); curated bonding sessions like a women-in-Saas mixer – so much happening on parallel tracks, and all of it managed by two dozen volunteers. This was simply incredible. […]
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